Support SolarDjangui

Dear donors, women empowerment organizations, and sustainable development agencies, We sincerely request your support for an important initiative led by the Center for Communication and Sustainable Development for All (CECOSDA) in Cameroon. SolarDjangui is committed to empowering rural women entrepreneurs and fostering a future where women's economic empowerment and ecological sustainability are interconnected. Our efforts encompass the following activities :

  • Supplying solar kits to associations for distribution in distance areas;
  • Offering micro loans to dedicated women who lack financial resources;
  • Making sure our distributors and their associations receive consistent monthly bonuses with good profit margins;
  • Conducting entrepreneurship training for women's associations. Your support can transform lives and promote sustainable development in Cameroon. Join us in this mission of empowering women and fostering ecological innovation..

Thank you for considering a partnership or supporting SolarDjangui.

With gratitude and hope,
Inesse Carmelle FOPA
Responsable de l'autonomisation des Femmes

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